Chapter 108

Then Mars took a phone from his case, giving it to Sean. “The rest of us have these already. It’s a push-to-talk phone with a dedicated network app. This way, we can communicate without anyone else being aware, using Bluetooth.”

“Damn, this is sweet. Not that I ever needed one, but…”

“Being a lone wolf and all,” Ken said.

“Until now.” Sean looked at him, winking.

“All right, it’s beginning to get dark,” Mars said. “I suggest we all take our places. Nick, Bart, you cover the back of the property. Ken, you take the right side, Sean, the left, and I’ll be out front, along the road leading in. You see or hear anything larger than a small dog—you let the rest of us know where. The night-vision scope on your pistol will help you pinpoint their location, Sean.”

“Yeah, that much I figured out for myself,” Sean replied wryly.