But all Fess saw was the man he loved, lauding Fess and his achievements as if they were greatest thing in the world.
He was in the dressing room, hanging up his jacket for the costume department to clean for the next performance, when the stage manager poked her head in and announced he had visitors. He scurried out, uncaring of the rest of his costume, and was immediately swept into an embrace by a very familiar set of arms.
“You were wonderful!”
“What a great show!”
“They should’ve saved themselves the money and just left you in those breeches for the whole thing. Because, boy? Yum.”
The last came from Pixie, and everyone laughed. Fess tilted his head up to Joe’s as he nestled into his boyfriend’s side. “So was it worth putting up with all those rehearsals?”
Joe smiled. “Absolutely.”
“Excuse me.”
The group broke apart to reveal a small woman standing behind them. Though she looked familiar, it took Fess several seconds to figure out why.