“He got back to work quick,” Fess said with a laugh. “I didn’t know he was covering for you tonight.”
“He’s doing me a favor. Listen.”
“Seriously, guys, if you only see one play this year, go see this one.” Pixie’s endorsement was heartwarming, but he could tell from the way Joe watched the radio, that wasn’t what he wanted Fess to hear. “The lead is hot, hot, hot, and guess what? You’d be supporting one of our finest. How, do you ask? Well, Mr. Hotpants—and honey, after you see the show, you will know that I am not exaggerating there—is the main squeeze of our very own Joe Salinas. Like I needed even more reason to be jealous of Joe, right?”
Joe snorted and rolled his eyes.
“Now, I’m already doing Joe a favor by filling in for him so he and the boy can have some good old-fashioned quality time together, but I’ve got another one that means he’s going to owe me. So, Joe? Find me my own Mr. Hotpants and we’ll call it even. With that out of the way, here’s Joe.”