“Tell me about it.” Gregg got up and went over to the desk. “Did you both work on only one…? Never mind. You’ve packed his up, I presume.”
“Yeah. About all I’ve got left to do is what was his in the kitchen.”
“If you need some help.”
Spence shook his head. “You have something else you have to do.”
“Oh? Oh yeah. Talk to my friend at the precinct. Okay. I’m out of here. I’ll let you know the minute I find out if he can get the files.”
“Thanks. When I’m done with Jeff’s things, packing them, I’ll call the realtor to see if I can find out who it was who wanted to buy the house.”
“Be subtle,” Gregg cautioned.
“Don’t worry. I’ll think up a logical reason for wanting to know.”
“Using your writer’s imagination?” Gregg said with a smile as they walked to the front door.
“Keep your phone on. Okay? Or at least check for a voicemail from me if you’d rather turn it off again.”