“Oh, thanks. It’s my obsession, really. It’s mostly why I agreed to this trip.”
“That’s why I stopped you. I need to get a better feel for what’s going on with you. Tell me about why you’re here.”
“Sam, you know my friend Sam? Well, Sam wanted to travel around Europe. I’ve never been and quite honestly, I’d never be able to go on my own. So, I jumped at the chance.”
“What’s Sam’s story? Why did he want to come to Europe?”
“I think he was more bored than anything.”
“I see,” Molly said. “What about that lovely young woman with you? Katelyn, is it?”
“She’s Sam’s girlfriend.”
“She is? I didn’t get a romantic vibe from them. She’s sort of…Can I be frank? She’s sort of an arsehole.”
Felix smiled and shook his head. “She kind of is. I think that’s why Sam likes her. He’s got a strong personality. He needs someone who can stand up to him.”
“Where do you fit in? Personal punching bag?”
Felix shrugged.