After dinner, Ronan sent Felix back outside to make sure all the animals were settled in for the night, all the doors and gates were secure, and all the lights that were supposed to be turned off, were off. As he was searching for switches and pulling on doors he noticed one of the cows licking at a short post sticking up from the edge of her stall. Felix looked around and saw that the other cows had similar posts but theirs had small grainy lumps stuck to them. He gingerly approached a stall that had a lump, feeling the texture of it.
“I think I know what that is. Where did I see those?”
Returning from a quick trip to the feed shed, Felix unwrapped four fresh blocks and placed them on the empty and nearly empty posts alike. “There you go, girls. Delicious salt. See? I’m your friend. Please don’t kick my face off tomorrow.”