Austin had been working on an idea for an article, but the experience at the hospital had given him more to work with. “I’m going to write about what it’s like to foster a dog,” Austin told Erika over dinner a month before Neil’s deployment was over. “What do you think of ‘Living with Another Man’s Bitch: How Fostering a Dog Changed My Life’?”
Erika rolled her eyes and pouted. “Why couldn’t you just call it ‘How Fostering a Dog Changed My Life’? You don’t have to put ‘Bitch’ in the title.”
“Aw, c’mon, I was trying to make it eye-catching and use a little play on words.”
“I don’t think your bosses would see it that way. It’s too…crass. Anyway, Bunny didn’t really change your life. You go on more walks and you had to put a gate over the kitchen door, that was it.”
Austin frowned. “A bit more than that has happened in the past five months.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”