Chapter 4

“Oh, you know. Someone like you—wears the whole thing, does the whole thing, follows all the laws, candles and prayers at Sabbath, keeps kosher. You keep kosher, right?”

“I do. But you do know it’s not just about what you wear and eat. I mean, are you even proud that you’re Jewish?”

“That’s a fucking loaded question,” said Jared. “Oh, my God, I said fucking, didn’t I? Oh, my God, I just said God, too. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Shai pretended to cover his ears with both his hands.

“Yeah, I’m proud to be Jewish—of course. Being Jewish is cool, and it’s Hanukkah today, so, yay for Hanukkah!” Jared tried to be cute, but he just felt stupid.

“Do you even know what Hanukkah is about?” asked Shai, teasing Jared a little more. “Like, the original story?”

“Festival of lights. Oil in the temple, lamps keep burning for eight days—yeah, yeah, I know it.”

“Okay. Just checking. Seems like you passed pre-school, at least.”