Chapter 5

“Seven. I have four nephews and three nieces.”

“That’s a lot. And I assume all their parents wanna come, too?”

“Just their moms—so three more.”

“So, eleven tickets to Peachy’s Nest.” Jared sighed, as if taking a big order.

“Only if you can,” said Shai, backing down. “Please don’t go to any extra trouble.”

Take off your shirt and I’ll do anything you want, thought Jared.

“Borough Park, Borough Park!” the subway announcer shouted through the intercom, and the doors opened.

“This is me,” said Shai, getting up.

“I’ll get off with you,” said Jared, following him. For a minute, they walked in silence, then turned to one another and began speaking at the same time.

“I feel bad for asking you such a big favor,” said Shai.

“I feel bad for teasing you about your beliefs,” interrupted Jared.

“I’m sorry,” they said at the same time, then laughed and exited the subway station.

Jared sucked in the cold, winter air of Brooklyn. It always felt cleaner than Manhattan, he thought.