Chapter 7

“The Center of the Community,” Cole read the brightly colored mural that decorated the front of the building.

“Bringing families together for the good of us all,” Wyatt added. “That’s the subtitle. You probably can’t see that from here. Kinda silly, really.”

“Kinda silly?” Cole asked. “Are you kidding? I think that’s so cool. Is that what I’ll be doing? Bringing people together? How can you think that’s silly? I can’t wait! Are those the families?” He pointed out the window at his soon-to-be coworkers.

Wyatt boomed in laughter. “Geez, you’re so positive! Are you always like that?”

“So far.”

“No, those are my volunteers. I told Margaret that I needed someone with managerial experience to hopefully wrangle everyone into a cohesive unit. You didn’t mention that you had management experience. She did speak to you about that, didn’t she?”