“So, which one of you is up for a little adventure?” Wyatt asked.
“Not here, you freak,” Oliver said with a stern look.
“Not that!” Wyatt said with a laugh.
“I’d love to!” Cole said.
Before he even knew what exactly he’d greed to, Cole found himself in the back with Wyatt.
“Here, put these on,” Wyatt said in a rush. The things laid out on the table had been gleaned from The Center’s decorations and some of the clothing donations.
Holding up a red, pointy hat and a bit of fluff they’d used to approximate snow in the table’s centerpieces. “Let me guess. You want me to be Santa?”
“You got it. All you got to do is let them sit on your lap and tell you that they’ve been good. The volunteers have this down to a science. The wrapping on the presents are coordinated with the gender and age of the kid. They’ll hand you the appropriate one and you’ll give it to the kid. Easy peasy.”
“Okay,” Cole beamed. “I think I’m going to love that, actually.”