“Come in!”
Tristan stepped into the entrance, but couldn’t get the door open all the way because of the pile of sneakers and boots behind it.
Rain came walking up. “Hello there,” he said. His blond hair was wet and the scent of soap hung in the dusty air. He wore dark pink skinny jeans and a blue T-shirt with Cookie Monster’s face on it.
The sight of him made Tristan’s day. “Funny you should be wearing that T-shirt,” he said, pointing to the blue monster. “I spent the afternoon baking cookies. Two hundred of them, actually.”
Rain frowned. “You? You baked two-hundred cookies?”
Tristan slipped his fancy leather shoes off and walked in, stepping up to where Rain stood in the hall. “Yeah, it’s a thing we do every year. Bernie, Rachel, and I, we bake cookies and cakes and then donate them to the LGBT community center.”
“Okay, now, you’ve just scored somany points, I—I can’t even.” Rain grabbed his own chest. “Be still my beating heart. A man who bakes and donates.”