Chapter 20

He took a second to look for more bloody wounds, but nothing else showed on Virgil’s chest. He glanced up into his partner’s diamond eyes. “Where else are you injured?”

Virgil covered the hand Travis had over the chest wound and cupped Travis’ cheek with the other hand. “I am fine.”

“No, you’re not!” Travis spluttered. “There’s holes in your body!” Virgil’s lips tilted up at the corners and Travis almost punched the look off his partner’s face when he realized it was a smile. “What are you smiling about?”

“Thank you.”

Puzzled, Travis searched Virgil’s eyes. “For?”

“Caring. Most humans don’t.”

Travis blew out a breath and rolled his eyes. “Of course I care.” He lunged forward, and stole a chaste kiss from Virgil. His partner didn’t let him get far, pulling Travis back in with no effort at all to kiss Travis hard, with a nip at Travis’ bottom lip to open him up.