With a jerky nod, Virgil stepped away. “Be careful.”
“Will do,” Travis answered. “Twenty minutes, tops.”
His mate was easily visible in the rear view mirror as Travis pulled his little car away and back out into traffic on Twenty-Second. A bright, warm morning that promised to heat up a little more. A wonderful day, despite that nagging fear that he and Virgil would be found out. It was a trepidation to get used to, because it would never go away.
Mate.Travis grinned irrepressibly. Worth all of the fear to have Virgil as his mate. An accident, but a happy one. A left turn onto Swan and a right brought him into a little plaza with a decent enough coffee shop that had a convenient drive-thru window.
A piercing chime broke the happy mood. Damn it.He clicked on the comm. system with a jab at the button in his radio implanted on the cuff around his wrist. “Car Hotel Six Eight, reporting. What is the situation?”