Ch4 ) Dangerous Mission: Journey To The Land Of Wave

A/N: Kurama made Naruto Get a Bingo Book. That's how he knew who Kakashi was.

It's been a month since the bell test. In that time, squad 7 has done 30 d rank missions. Naruto's weights have increased to 70 pounds on his arms, and 100 pounds on each leg. This makes his speed with weights, almost as fast as Lee without weights. His training regiment has increased to 225 laps around the training ground, 175 one handed push-ups each arm, and 350 sit-ups. He has the same attire as mentioned in previous chapters. His Taijutsu is at High Jonin level, meaning he can almost best Kakashi in a fight. Fuinjutsu is at mid apprentice level, allowing him to combat certain seals such as Orochimaru's curse mark. His Chakra control has reached mid Jonin level. He is able to battle on water for 2 hours, or on a tree for 4 hours. His Ninjutsu is high Jonin. Jutsu include Fuuton: Daitoppa, Fuuton: Wind needles, Fuuton: Explosion Bunshin, Flying Hiraishin, and Chakra Chains. His hand seal speed is at a point where only a Mangekyo Sharringan can read them. Genjutsu is mid Chunin, allowing him to create, detect, and release E-B level Genjutsu.

Konoha (Third person's P.O.V.)

In the village of Konohah, we find team 7 chasing a mysterious shadow.

"Crow here. I'm in position," Sasuke says over the intercom.

"Howler here. I'm also in position," Sakura's voice follows the boy's.

"... Fox. I'm in position," Naruto says after a few seconds.

"You're slow Naruto!" Kakashi reprimands over the speaker.

"That's because this mission is boring," the blond explained in a lazy tone.

"I agree with Naruto," Sasuke says, shocking the entire team.

"Wow. That's a first." Naruto replies, not even bothering to hide his shock.

Kakashi decided to get back on task. "Whatever, is the target in sight?"

Naruto looked out in front of him. He could see a small shadow sitting behind a bush. "Yes. Ready to act on your command."

"Alright 3, 2, 1, Go!" Kakashi directed over the earphone.

All 3 Genin jumped at the shadow, intent on capturing it. Naruto was the first to get to it, due to his superior speed. The target started freaking out, until the blond began stroking it's back soothingly, calming it down. While Naruto did this, he placed one of his seals on the target's back.

Kakashi always hated this mission, and wanted to get it over with as fast as possible. So he was quite thankful for Naruto's superior speed. "Positive I.D. Is there a red bow on the left ear?"

"Affirmative, lost cat Tora retrieved." Naruto looked up towards his two partners. They looked like they felt a little out of place, having done nothing to help.

Thank goodness, the Jonin, thought. "Good, Let's head to the mission room."

Hokage tower (Third person's P.O.V.)

Naruto knocked on the door, waiting for a "come in." When he heard one, the boy strolled into the room with his team, and what they saw shocked the Hokage and Iruka. In Naruto's arms, was Tora, the cat that never took a liking to anybody, asleep peacefully in his arms.

"Lost cat Tora, mission success, Hokage-Sama," Kakashi says, walking in the room behind the blond.

"Well Naruto, I'm impressed," The Third Hokage said, his lips turning up into a smile. "That cat is never comfortable with anyone."

Iruka was curious. "Do you have experience with cats Naruto?"

"Nope," the blond answered simply.

"Well then! You must just be a natural," the Third decided, choosing not to think too deeply about it.

"Maybe it has to do with my tenant," Naruto hypothesized.

"Could be," the old man concurred.

Sasuke and Sakura were confused about what Naruto and the Third meant by the blond''s tenant. They put it in the back of their minds, figuring they could ask him later. Naruto handed the cat to the Fire Daimyo's Wife, and it immediately started freaking out. Team 7 was confused, until the women began to smother the cat to death in her rather large breast. The woman gave the money to the Hokage, and left the room.

"No wonder it ran away," Sasuke commented under his breath.

"Poor thing." If she was the cat, she would probably run away all the time too.

"Don't worry. I'll save it" Naruto says, confusing every person in the room.

They shrugged it off and continued. The Third gave them their pay, and began to read off other D rank missions. "Now we have Babysitting, picking potatoes, installing a fe-" The man was cut off from a scream, coming from the hallway outside the door. It was the wife of the Fire Daimyo.

"No! Tora come back!"

"Or you can capture Tora again," the Third, suggested, laughing quietly under his breath.

Before anyone could speak up, Naruto disappears and reappears with Tora in his arms. "I got her."

Iruka's eyes widened to impossible sizes. "That was... Fast! How did you do that."

Naruto looked towards his former teacher. "The Hiraishin seal I put on Tora's back when I caught her."

"I wasn't aware that you knew that Jutsu Naruto," Iruka said surprised. He still thought Naruto was the dead last.

Naruto stared at him for a couple seconds, blinking every now-and-then. "Yup, I do." Right as he was handing Tora to the women once again, the animal disappeared, leaving everyone speechless.

The Wife of The Fire Daimyo was the one to break the silence. "Where'd she go!?"

Naruto stared blankly, in an effort to mask the fact that the cat disappearing was his doing. "I don't know," he replied. He was lying through his teeth. An action only Kakashi, and the Third noticed.

A/N: He sealed Tora into his mindscape, if anyone was wondering. Well back to the story.

The women left the room. It is not everyday that your pet vanishes into thin air. She most likely was never going to see the creature ever again.

The Third couldn't believe Naruto actually pulled that stunt. At least there won't be any negative repercussions for the boy's actions "Okay... Well. Where were we? Oh yes, missions. We have installing a fence, walking the do-"

Naruto interrupted. "With all due respect Hokage-Sama. I think my team, and I are ready for a higher rank mission."

Iruka was outraged. "That's absurd. You three just became genin. So D ranks are the appropriate missions for you to handle."

Naruto sighed. "Don't get me wrong. I understand the importance of these missions, like how they teach us life skills. That way we'll be able to spy on our enemies, under the guise of a gardener or a maintenance person. But I sincerely believe my team and I are ready for a C rank." His calm rationale surprised everyone, they're still getting used to the real Naruto.

Even though the Third knew of Naruto's real personality, he was still impressed with the boy's educated response. "Alright Naruto." He smiled. "I'll give you a C rank mission."

Iruka couldn't believe what he was hearing, "What?! Hokage-Sama. If I may intrude. They are not rea-"

The Old man interrupted the Chunin. "If Naruto wishes to prove his worth to us. I say we let him. Especially now that he's actually being himself."

What is that supposed to mean, Iruka wondered. "What do you mean, 'now that he's actually being himself?'"

Naruto, who was watching the conversation between his old teacher, and Grandfather figure, decided to intervene at this moment. "Oh Yeah! You don't know. Well let me clear this up. The me you knew in the academy, was an act. It was pretty much the polar opposite of me."

Iruka gaped, barely able to mutter a coherent thought. "Th-th-that... can't be true!"

"It's true!" Both Sasuke and Kakashi exclaimed, confirming Naruto's statement.

Sakura was still unsure. She was sure the blonde's façade would diminish, if enough time went by. Then he would go back to his same idiotic self.

Iruka was flabbergasted with this new info. "What!?" He couldn't believe the boy he had known in the academy was a fake. It had to be a lie. No way would the blond be able to be that deceptive at such a young age.

Kakashi decided to prove it to the Chunin. Iruka had to believe it, if the words came from him. "Naruto is actually the only reason his team passed the bell test. He got the point right away, and tried to act on it. But!" Kakashi gave a subtle glare towards the raven and the pinkette. "Sasuke and Sakura refused to team up with him. He also got the bells. They passed, because I didn't think it would be fair for Naruto to only have failed, because of his teammates." Kakashi explained, hoping that assured the scarred faced man.

Iruka didn't know what to think anymore. "Wow, I need a minute... Well since that's true. Sasuke, Sakura. I'm very disappointed," he said, a frown directed at his two former students. Had he taught them nothing?

Dammit! Sasuke was supposed to be the best, and now something as simple as catching a stupid cat, Naruto still does better than him. How the hell is he supposed to defeat Itachi, when Naruto is better than him at everything!

Sakura was about to lose her patience with the situation. Naruto was not as great as they were making him out to be. It was a joke. If anything, the Blond was just trying to make Sasuke look bad. That way, she will like him better. Sorry Naruto, it won't work. Her heart belongs to Sasuke.

"Sakura," Naruto called, pulling the girl out of her head.

Sakura glared at him. "What do you want, Baka?!"

Naruto wanted to seriously smack that pathetic excuse for her anger off the girl's face. But he restrained himself. "If you're thinking that I'm just trying to make Sasuke look bad, so you'll like me. You can chill. I don't care if you like him more than me. I'm just trying to be myself."

Sakura stopped glaring, too shocked to do anything but stare. "How did you know that?"

The blond shook his head and looked at her like she was an idiot. "Because I know you. You may not know me. But I know you. I will tell you this, however. If you want to be serious about being a Kunoichi. You need to focus more on your training, and less on trying to impress Sasuke."

Sakura had no words. "Well... WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOW, NARUTO?! Sasuke will always be better than you!" Who does this boy think he is? Talking to her like that.

Naruto was too annoyed to pester her anymore. If she wanted to stay useless, that was fine with him. "Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Kakashi was only slightly surprised with the blond. Well that confirms his crush on Sakura was also an act. The same thought was going through everybody else but Sakura's mind.

The third brought things back to the task at hand. "Now that that's been dealt with, about your C rank mission. Please send the client in, thank you," he announces into the microphone on his desk.

A man looking to be in his 40's with a scruffy beard, hat, and a bottle of sake, walked into the room with a scowl on his face. "These are the strong ninja I hired to protect me? They all look like useless brats! Especially the short one with untamed hair," the man says, disbelief in his face and tone.

When he finished insulting the team's competence, a Kunai flew through the air and pinned his hat to the wall. "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover," Naruto says, authority in his tone

The silver haired Jonin paled. "Naruto, what are you doing? Were supposed to protect the client not kill hi-"

Naruto cut him off. "You misunderstand Kakashi-Sensei! I'm merely confirming our ability to protect the client. I have no intention of harming him in any way. Unless... he's still not convinced." He turned his head back towards the old drunk.

"I'm convinced!" The man assured fearfully. He didn't want to think of whatever else Naruto was capable of.

Naruto grinned, glad he got the man's respect. Even if he had to frighten the guy to get it. "Good. so who are you?"

The man sighed, relieved that nothing more would be done to him. "I'm the super master bridge builder Tazuna. I expect you to protect me until I get back home and finish building my bridge. Even if it cost you your lives!" Tazuna eyes took on a depth of darkness that wasn't being concealed at all.

Naruto and Kakashi narrowed their eyes, suspicious of the man. Their lives. It's a C rank. Should just be bandits and thieves after him. Something is not right.

"Alright squad 7! Pack for a two-week trip, and meet up at the village gates in 1 hour," Kakashi commands, his infamous eye smile in place.

Naruto vanishes to his house to pack while Sasuke and Sakura had to run to their homes to pack their stuff.

Naruto's House

Once he appeared in his room, Naruto placed a couple more scrolls with extra hiraishin Kunai, smoke bombs, poison bombs, and lightning tags into his backpack.

Sakura's House

Sakura was in her room contemplating on what to bring on the mission. At first she started to pack a couple weapons, and some hair products. Then she remembered what Naruto said. She chose to ignore it in the end. She thought he was an idiot, and didn't know what he was talking about.

Sasuke's House

Sasuke packed the remainder of his weapons available at his disposal, such as Kunai, Shuriken, and Blast Tags into his backpack. He doesn't think he needs much given the fact that he's an Uchiha. But he figured, better to be safe than sorry.

He has got to thank Naruto for what he told Sakura. Hopefully now she'll get off his back. Sasuke needs to come up with a way to get stronger than the blond though. The Uchiha decided he was gonna ask Kakashi to train him, one on one. He was determined to become the most powerful out of anyone. It was the only way he would defeat Itachi.

Village gate (55 minutes later)

Everyone was here except Sakura, and Naruto.

Tazuna grumbled in annoyance. "Where are those kids of yours? We need to get to my country. The longer we wait. The more precious time we're losing!"

He seems rather anxious about a C rank mission. Kakashi knew there had to be something up with this guy. "They'll be here. Don't worry. On the first day I met them. Naruto made it clear not to be late to anything involving him, or he'll prank you. So I doubt he'd be late himself."

Tazuna was confused. "Who cares if he pulls a simple prank? What's the big deal?"

Kakashi laughed. "Believe me Tazuna. You absolutely do not want to be pranked by Naruto. In our village, he Is known as the prankster king from hell!"

Tazuna paled. "You gotta be kidding me. That brat!"

Naruto smirked. "It's True Tazuna-San," he announces, startling everybody, appearing behind Kakashi.

Tazuna's heart skipped a beat. "Where'd you come from!?"

Naruto grinned, and pointed to the top of the forest area. "I've been here the entire time. I was just sitting up in that tree waiting for Sakura." He turned to his teacher. "I'm disappointed in your sensory abilities Kakashi-Sensei," he said in a jokingly scolding manner.

Kakashi was bewildered. How'd he evade his detection. Exactly how strong is the Uzumaki?

At that point, Sakura decided to show up.

Naruto turned his attention to the pinkette. "You were almost late. You do remember what happens when someone is late on me. Don't you Sakura?"

She gulped, thinking about what happened the last time.


Team 7 was meeting in training ground 7, at 8:30 for some teamwork exercises. It was now 8:45

Naruto growled. "Sakura is in for a treat when she gets here. I thought I warned you guys. No tardiness when it comes to anything involving me?"

The girl in question came running up to the group. "Sorry I'm late, Naruto. Please don't prank me, I had to do my hair."

Naruto's fox grin adorned his face. It was the look he gave that promised misfortune was coming one's way. "Too late."

Sakura started to tense up. "What do yo-"

She didn't get to finish her sentence. Naruto appeared right behind her, and kicked her into a net. It was raised to the top of the tree, where there was a bucket of paint spilled on her, turning her hair dark green. Naruto cut up the bottom of the net, causing her to fall into a pile of leaves. Finally, he performed his wind jutsu, Fuuton: Daitoppa, Ultimately messing up her hair in the end.

Sakura glared at the boy. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" It took her an hour for her to get herself looking that nice.

Naruto glared back. "If you are ever late again, and your excuse is as petty as doing your hair. It'll be WORSE next time!" He says with a threatening voice that shut her up. "Now are you going to be late again?!"

Sakura shrunk backwards, and waved her hands in surrender. "No, I Promise I won't!"

Naruto smiled, going back to his happy self. "Good! Now let's get to our teamwork exercises."

Sasuke paled at the sight of Sakura. Man if that's what he does to Sakura, Sasuke would hate to see what he'd do to him.

Flashback End

Team 7, besides Naruto, shivered at the memory. Tazuna was now even more frightened of what Naruto could do to him.

Naruto brought back the focus. "Well let's get on with it. Shall we."

They started walking to the land of waves. Eventually Sakura began questioning Tazuna about his country. "Tazuna-San?"

The oldman looked down at the girl, wondering what she wanted. "Uh huh?"

"You come from the land of waves right?"

Tazuna stared at her. "Yeah? What of it?"

"I'm just curious. Aren't there ninja there?"

Kakashi interjected, before Tazuna could get in an answer. "Actually, quite the contrary Sakura. You see. There are no ninja in the land of waves. In other countries, however. There are hidden villages, each with their own different customs and cultures, where ninja reside. To the people of this continent, the existence of Shinobi means strength, military strength. In other words, that's how they protect themselves and maintain the balance of power with neighboring countries. The ninja villages are not controlled by any government. They're independent, and have equal status. Now, a small island, like the land of waves, has natural protection from the sea. So there's no need for a ninja village. The five ancient lands that possess shinobi villages are: The lands of fire, water, lightning, wind, and earth. They each occupy vast territories. Together they are known as the five great Shinobi nations. The land of fire has the village hidden in the leaves, the land of water, the village hidden in the mist; the land of lightning, the village hidden in the clouds; the land of wind, the village hidden in the sand; and the land of earth, the village hidden in the stones. Only the leaders of these hidden villages are permitted the name Kage, which means Shadow. Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, Tsuchikage- These are the leaders, the five shadows that reign over thousands of ninja."

"Huh!? Then Lord Hokage's really important," Sakura exclaimed, a huge smile on her face. Hmmm. Is that old man really such a big deal? She wasn't buying it.

Kakashi knew her real thoughts. "Hey! You just doubted Lord Hokage, didn't you?! That's what you were thinking. Wasn't it Sakura!?"

Her whole body started shaking. "No!" She answered frightfully.

Kakashi smiled at her, not really caring what Sakura thought. It doesn't change anything. "Well, anyway, there are no ninja battles in a C rank mission. So you can relax."

Instantly, Sakura felt the feeling of relief wash over her. "So we are not going to run into any foreign enemy ninja, or anything like that?"

Kakashi chuckled mildly. "Not likely." Although Tazuna does seem worried. He'll have to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

A couple hours later, they pass a puddle on the side of the road.

A puddle, on a clear day like this, when it hasn't rained for 2 weeks. "Hold up a second guys. I wanna see something," Naruto says walking towards the puddle.

Oh now what! Sakura was already aggravated with the blonde's antics. "Naruto! What are you doing?"

The boy ignored her. He reached the puddle, and placed one of his lightning tags into the center. Everyone was clearly confused, until the puddle turned into 2 people, who were being electrified. Then it wore off after 20 seconds or so.

With speed, Naruto didn't expect, the 2 figures whirled around him and wrapped their chains around Kakashi, pulling on it, and ripping him to shreds.

"Sensei!" Sakura screamed, after witnessing the man's untimely demise.

"Now it's your turn brat!" Both the figures turned to the blond, wanting revenge for him electrocuting them. They charged at Naruto. They were about to wrap their chains around the blond. But he vanished from view. Half a second later, he reappeared behind the 2 ninja and chakra kicked them into a tree, knocking them out cold. "You can come out now Sensei!"

"What are you talking about, moron! Sensei is dead. We watched him get torn to shreds!" Sakura recalled.

Kakashi came out of his hiding spot from the trees above the group. "I'm not dead, Sakura," the man said, showing up right behind her. "Good job Naruto, Great work."

Sasuke kept getting angrier and angrier. He didn't even get a chance! Naruto totally beat those Chunin with one kick! How strong is he!

Sakura glared at the Cyclops. "So why were you hiding Sensei? Were you trying to get us killed?"

Kakashi sighed. He was tired of this girl's obnoxious attitude. "No. I wanted to see how strong you've gotten. I must say, I'm disappointed in you guys. Except you Naruto. Next time leave some fighting for your teammates, okay." He gave an open eye smile. Then he turns his gaze onto Tazuna. "Something you wanna tell us. Like why are there ninjas after you."

Tazuna relented, having no choice but to tell the truth. "Alright fine. Do you know a man by the name of Gato."

Kakashi blinked. "Gato, as in, Gato The Shipping Magnate."

"Yes that's the one. About a year ago, he came to our land and took control of the ports. So everyone, even our lord is poor. We couldn't afford a higher rank mission."

Kakashi understood the man's plight. "Even so. This has left the mission parameters. This is now at least a B Rank mission. We have to go back."

Sakura turned toward Tazuna, a sad look on her face."I'm sorry. But we're only Genin. We don't have the skills for this kind of mission."

Naruto decided differently. "I'm gonna keep going."

Really? Kakashi mused. "Naruto, I know you're strong, but you can't do this by yourself."

"I also can't leave someone alone when they need help. This bridge is a sign of hope for him and the people of Wave. If I dont help, They're going to starve. I can't go back. I'm sorry."

"It seems, I won't be able to change your mind. So I guess we're coming too. Though be warned. The next Ninja will most likely be a Jonin."

Naruto smiled gratefully. "Alright. let's go Mr. Tazuna."

Tazuna felt blessed to have this kid helping him. Not because the blond was getting paid. But because, he genuinely wanted to. "Thank you so much."

Naruto shrugged it off. "No problem."