Ch5 ) Ambushed on The Road To Wave

A couple hours later, Naruto and the gang are still walking towards The Land Of Waves, when they come across a man and his boat.

Tazuna walked over to the man who was currently standing in the small canoe. "Sanji, Can you take us across the river please?"

The man, now known as Sanji, smiled. "Of course Tazuna," he answered. "But I'll be using the oars. It is vital that we remain as quiet as possible."

"Alright. Thank you." Tazuna stepped into the boat.

Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, followed suit, entering the boat as well. Naruto on the other hand, stood still. He stayed on land and just glared at the mode of transportation. It was as if the object had personally wronged him.

Kakashi was confused. "Naruto, are you Okay? Get in the boat."

"No way, I'll walk," Naruto replies, disdain in his voice.

"Naruto, quit being stupid and get in the boat!" Sakura says, somehow being loud and quiet at the same time.

Naruto was adamant. "No thanks, I'm good." He walks out onto the water as if it was land, shocking everyone, even Kakashi.

"Naruto, how are you able to do that?" Sasuke was jealous that there was another ability that Naruto possessed that he himself did not.

The blond wasn't even showing off at the moment. He really did not think it was such a big deal. "It's just a chakra control technique." The boy shrugs. "Sensei can do it too."

Kakashi was still amazed. "Yes, but not for very long. I'm curious, Naruto. How long can you do it?"

"Just a few hours," the blond answers nonchalantly.

That's amazing, his chakra reserves and control are way above even the most elite Jonin. "Well since you can maintain it. I guess you won't need the boat. Let's go Sanji."

The man complied. "Alright, but remember, we must be really quiet."

Time skip (Under bridge)

Kakashi held Tazuna to his end of the bargain. "So Tazuna, tell us more about the situation with Gato."

The bridge builder tensed up, hoping that the Sensei had forgotten. "Well he came here about a year ago, along with all the goons and rogue Ninja he hires. Then he took control of the ports, seizing all of our assets."

Everything clicked into place for Naruto. "That makes sense. Given the fact that your country is surrounded by water. Taking over the ports gives someone complete control over what goes out, and what comes in. Allowing him to cut off trade, and make the country itself incredibly poor."

Tazuna was relieved someone understood. "Yes. That's why I'm building my bridge. So we can once again trade with neighboring countries and return Wave to its status of prosperity in the nation's economy."

"But won't Gato just take control of the bridge as well?" Granted, Naruto figures he could easily get rid of the man and his thugs. But he wasn't sure how Kakashi would feel about that outcome.

Tazuna looked sheepish. "I was kind of hoping you guys could take care of him as well."

"Our mission was just to protect you while you finished building your bridge, but I'll think about taking care of Gato." Naruto was right. Kakashi was not keen on the idea of having to kill someone on his team's first outing from the village. But he might end up having to forgo that train of thought.

"Thank you, Kakashi-Sensei!"

The boat captain was getting annoyed. "Shhh! Quiet down," he demands in a whisper.

"Sorry," Tazuna says, quietly this time.

20 minutes later

Naruto and the gang arrive on shore, and start walking toward Tazuna's place. 2 minutes later Naruto stops and throws a kunai into a bush, scaring Sakura, and causing a bunny to jump out in fright.


Naruto ignored her. That bunny is still in it's winter coat. Shouldn't it be brown by now? Which means it's been kept indoors. A substitution!

There's a whooshing sound in the air.

"Everybody duck!" Both Kakashi and Naruto instructed, having the same revelation.

Naruto pulled Sakura and Sasuke to the ground, while Kakashi grabbed Tazuna. Just in time too. A giant sword flew right over their heads, and lodged itself in a tree. Naruto looked up and saw a figure standing on the massive hilt staring down at them. He recognized him from a bingo book that Kurama had him study. "Zabuza Momochi, A.K.A. Demon Of The Bloody Mist! I should have known it would be you."

Zabuza was momentarily shocked that this simple genin knew who he was, but he showed no sign of it. "So, one of the Genin is competent after all," he says mocking the blond, trying to rile him up.

Naruto kept a calm demeanor, and went to attack. However, Kakashi cut him off with an arm in front of him.

"No, Naruto! This is an S Ranked Jonin level ninja! It's too dangerous" Kakashi says to his blond genin, even though... he had an inkling that Naruto could beat him. But the sensei didn't want to take any chances that he could be wrong. "I'll face him!" He pulled up his headband, revealing his Sharingan.

Sasuke saw this of course. So he does have a Sharingan, but how is he an Uchiha?

"Alright Sensei." Naruto says, wanting to respect the man's wishes.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan! No wonder the demon Brothers failed," Zabuza mused.

Kakashi corrected him. "Actually... that was all Naruto's doing," he says matter of factly, while gesturing to the blonde boy.

Zabuza was intrigued. "Interesting. no matter, he still won't be a challenge. Genin like him don't know what it really means to be a ninja. They've never tasted blood. When I became a Genin, I already knew what it was like to kill."

Sakura was confused, "Sensei. What's he talking about?"

Kakashi grimaced. He knew that name sounded familiar! "10 years ago, the hidden mist Genin exam was forced to change, due to unforeseen consequences."

"What kind of consequences?" Is this guy dangerous or something, Sasuke wondered. Well besides the fact that he is a Jonin.

Naruto finished his Sensei's explanation. "Out of nowhere, a kid showed up and murdered the entire class, in the blink of an eye!"

Sakura was appalled. "NO WAY! THAT'S AWFUL!"

Zabuza had an evil grin on his face. "That's right. Friends you studied with, and ate with. They're pitted against each other for the final exam, and I slaughtered them all!"

The mist Jonin rushes towards Kakashi, sword drawn. Zabuza swings the giant blade and it clashes with a kunai that Kakashi pulls out at the last second. Next He swung the massive weapon at the Konoha Jonin's legs, causing him to have to jump in mid air, to avoid injury. Zabuza used this to his advantage and kicked Kakashi in the stomach, hard ,sending him spiraling into the ground. The missing nin charges forward, winding up a swing and Kakashi dodges it jumping into the water.

"Fool," Zabuza announces, as he begins to make hand signs. "Water Prison Jutsu!" Kakashi was instantly trapped inside a ball of water.

"What kind of Jutsu is this?!" Sakura screamed. after witnessing the technique.

"Water style. We studied it in the Academy. Remember? There's 5 styles of Jutsu a Ninja can use," Naruto answers.

Oh yeah, Sakura remembered. But not wanting to seem less intelligent than Naruto, she lied. "I know that Naruto. I just wanted to make sure you did." She looked to see the Blond's reaction, but he showed no emotion on his face. Damn what is going on with him lately, he's totally different. She still was not accepting that Naruto wasn't actually stupid.

The Jinjuriki chose to ignore her. The boy was too busy thinking about how to save Kakashi "Sasuke. I have a plan, wanna help?"

"No thank you, a plan from you is bound to be a failure." Sasuke says this out of arrogance. He understands Naruto is actually quite capable as a ninja. When Sasuke looked to Naruto, he was surprised to see him taking on Zabuza all alone. The raven looked back at Kakashi and realized Naruto was fighting a clone. He decided to work with the blond. After all, he couldn't be shown up, could he? "What's Your plan?"

"Shadow Clone Jutsu." Naruto calls into existence several clones, and they all move to attack Zabuza.

The mist nin shoves them all off him, allowing Naruto to mark the rogue ninja with his Hiraishin seal without the man's knowledge.

One of the clones runs to Sasuke, and throws the Uchiha, a giant Shuriken. "Sasuke, Catch!"

Sasuke jumps up, catching the projectile easily. Nice plan Naruto. The Uchiha then pulls out his own, identical shuriken. "Demon Wind Shuriken Jutsu!" Sasuke throws the weapon at the real Zabuza, to which the man jumps up, and the blade flies past, right below his legs. Then the second one comes out of the shadow of the first, and approaches Zabuza's head, forcing the man to have to duck in mid air.

"Nice try ki-." He blanks when he notices Sasuke smirking. Behind Zabuza, the second Shuriken transformed into a Naruto clone, who then threw a Kunai at Zabuza's arm, causing him to pull out of the prison, effectively destroying the Jutsu.

"Wind release: Great Breakthrough" The real Naruto announces, appearing right next to a shocked Zabuza. The blond blows out a huge gust of air out of his mouth at point blank range. The Hidden Mist-Nin goes flying back into a tree, knocking him out.