“Hard not to,” said Kiko. Dom wondered if this was the second or third time he was wiping down the counter. “We saw her body. We can’t pass up a puzzle.”
“After the number of times you’ve been seriously in danger, you should know better,” said Katie. Dom grinned and noticed Kiko was doing the same. Katie sighed and rolled her eyes.
“We’ll be fine,” said Dom.
“We always are,” said Kiko, and Katie changed the subject.
“Buddy Miller stopped by while you were out,” she said. Kiko’s smile vanished.
“What did he bring this time?”
“A rooster,” said Katie. She shook her head. “I sent him away. He seemed very distraught. Something about Buddy Angus saying it was going to be too late? What is with him?”
“He holds séances to talk to Buddy Angus,” said Kiko. “Still.”
“He really did love that cow, didn’t he?”