“I think so, too,” said Kiko. “But that’s not enough.”
The words hurt more than Dom was expecting. He set his beer down on the coffee table, hard, and glared at Kiko.
“Not enough? What more do you need? Or are you worried that once you hire me, I’ll be able to make sure you eat?”
* * * *
“Not this again,” said Kiko, forcing himself to be calm. He set his beer down, too. He was pissed at Katie, and he was pissed at Dom. This was not a big deal. Obviously, he was doing fine on the amount he ate a day; he just didn’t have the time to work out, and he’d need to if he ate more. So whatever grand plans Dom was coming up with to get him to have two or three or however many meals a day wasn’t going to work unless Dom also found him time to exercise.
This was about Dom’s inability to be a decent employee, anyway. He’d left Kiko to handle everything alone this morning, and Kiko couldn’t have an employee that didn’t follow instructions.