Chapter 55

Whoever this guy was, both he and Dom had seen him before.

This made Kiko very uneasy. He passed the picture back to Clark, still standing there smugly, and glanced over the reporter’s shoulder. Walking toward the Yolks on You table, granddaughter in tow, was Orange Coat. In a horrible instant, it clicked.

He was the man in the picture. 17

“Fuck,” said Dom, and Kiko didn’t even bother to chide him despite the five-year-old. That meant Kiko knew, Dom realized. And they were all probably screwed. If only Gordon wasn’t so slow.

Clark slipped the photo back in his pocket and rocked on his feet. He still hadn’t caught sight of Joey coming up behind him, which Dom thought was a good thing. There was no telling how Clark would react, and Dom did not trust the son of a murderer to not do something unpleasant if he thought the jewelry was within reach.

“Well?” asked Clark. “Your turn. You have something on Lily, don’t you? Maybe they did it together. Lovers? Makes a good story.”