The pup went tongue-first to Russell’s face. He bathed the guy in puppy slobber while Russell laughed. “Who is this, and why is it here?” He picked up the pup and tried to hold him out of tongue-reach.
“He’s your new companion. You have to find a name for him. Peter and I decided that since he is your dog, you have to be the one to give him his name.” George smiled to see his son obviously pleased with his new companion.
Russell held the pup out to get a good look at him. “He looks like a Shetland Sheep dog. He’s beautiful. And, his name is…” He thought for a few minutes while the puppy squirmed in his hands, trying to get his licks in. “Maurice. The little guy’s name is Maurice.”
Peter and George looked at each other, astonished. “Maurice? Who ever heard of a dog named Maurice? I thought maybe Rover or Buster or some other butch name like that. Hey, Butch is a butch name, but Maurice? He’ll be teased by the other dogs in the off-leash parks.”