
Chapter 49

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“I don’t understand,” said Todd, my ex-roommate, from across the line, not an hour later. “You want me to do what?”

I’d already explained it once; I went a bit slower the second time around. “Break into a government lab with me and try and retrieve data off a possibly already wiped-clean computer.”

“Really, Lucas?” he said. “Is this some sort of joke?”

I had to tread lightly here. I mean, Todd didn’t know I was super, nor was it all that wise for him to know. Not wise for me, not wise for him. “You’re a computer genius.”

“No,” he said. “I was going to be a computer science major. I have computer skills, sure, but probably not for what you’re talking about. And what are we even talking about to begin with? You’re a freshman at a mediocre college. You serve coffee in your free time.”


“Right,” he agreed. “So, why do you need to break into a government lab and then into a government computer? And why do you need my help with said breaking?”