Chapter 5

He was going to question Madame but found it difficult to speak. He became aware he was not floating but being carried down the hall to his suite by Jordie. Now out of his purple and yellow battle suit, Jordie was wearing gym shorts and a T-shirt with flip flops on his feet. Mason heard the flip-slap sound of heel on rubber as they progressed down the hall.

He could feel Jordie lying him on his bed and then he heard a scraping sound. Mason raised up on one elbow and saw the big man moving his bed from across the room so that it butted up against Mason’s. Not a perfect match but Mason was blocked in as Jordie jumped onto his bed. He took Mason into his arms and kissed him full and passionately on the lips.

“I hate when she does that,” Mason grumbled as Jordie tried to kiss him again. “Wasn’t the electric shock enough?”

“She wanted you to relax. You were pretty tense back there.”

Jordie drew Mason into him. “You areall right?”