Chapter 4

Matthew’s heart ached, heavy with sorrow. It might prove to be hard, but he figured it was his only option. Then he heard a car horn and peered out the window set into the front door. The dark blue sedan parked along the curb was unfamiliar, but he knew the person slipping out from behind the steering wheel. Matthew took a moment, drinking in Daniel’s appearance.

Still looking fine, definitely more confidence since our last meeting.

Daniel wore his brown hair clipped close, making it effortless to look into his green eyes. He was lean, whip smart, and ran his own company, a small affair with tons of promise. Dressed in a charcoal gray suit, he resembled the businessman Matthew knew him to be. When Daniel made it halfway up the walkway, Matthew yanked open the door. For some reason, he found himself oddly giddy and slightly nervous all at once.

Almost like being back in school instead of a man closing in on his fifties.