“Are you okay?” he called.
The man turned to face him.
“I said, are you okay? Do you need any help?”
The man was powerfully built, with muscular arms and shoulders. The choppy water and dimming light made seeing anything else almost impossible.
The man waved back. “No, thank you,” he replied, before diving into a wave and disappearing
Liam’s heart leapt into his mouth. His eyes were riveted on the waves.
You idiot. Who goes swimming in conditions like that?
He took out his mobile phone and was about to call the police when he heard a shout from further along in the water. It was the man. He’d resurfaced, waving as though he hadn’t just caused someone to nearly have a heart attack.
Liam started walking, his pace brisk. He was cold and hungry, and since the idiot in the water could obviously handle himself in rough, choppy seas, he was free to go. Conscience clear.
The man was still waving as Liam left the beach.
Yeah, keep waving. Idiot! 3