Chapter 18

“You keep shooting me looks I don’t think I like,” said Talfryn eventually. Akton gritted his teeth. He’d known the silence wouldn’t last.

“I don’t trust you,” he said. He expected Talfryn to laugh, but instead he blinked.

“I thought…”

“That was a mistake,” said Akton.

“Ouch,” said Talfryn, then took out that terrible painful liquid and had a drink.

“Put that away.”

“I’m not going to offer you any,” said Talfryn and had another swig, probably to spite Akton. “I’m taking it hard. I like you.”

“You like my cock,” said Akton. “And that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t made me think you were keeping something good from me.”

Talfryn choked, coughed, replaced the bottle.

“Hence, why I can’t trust you.”

“You think I tricked you into sleeping with me?” asked Talfryn. “Because I like to sip sun water?”

“Sip? You’re at it like it’s alcohol.”

“I just…I mean I built up a tolerance. It’s good in spells, just a few drops, for healing and serenity.”