Akton trusted him to do the same, he decided, if he let him fall in behind him.
Tinah directed them silently and Akton didn’t say anything as she led them to their packs, then the storage room where the shifter furs and directive were being stored. Talfryn noticed Akton kept a hand on the hilt of his sword, head tilted like he was listening hard. Talfryn’s ears weren’t any better than average, but this further confirmed for him that Akton was some sort of small animal shifter. He leaned closer.
“Hear anything?” he mouthed. Akton shook his head, but he kept listening intently as Tinah led them out a back door and into the alley behind the Guard office. She led them down alleys and streets quickly, nearly at a run, Talfryn mildly surprised Akton kept up with them. Maybe he didn’t care to leave the furs or parchment.