Chapter 9

Walter nodded. “Yes and no. We know he’s safe for the moment. I just hope he can get through the grilling he’ll get from the defense attorneys without breaking.”

“You think he might?”

“He’s wound so tight…” Walter sighed. He knew he’d done his best to help Carlo. Why? He wasn’t sure. Usually when they were dealing with someone they were protecting he would, at best, give them a pep talk. More often than not, he just did what he was paid for and guarded them until the job ended, nothing more, nothing less.

Pat studied him for a long moment then said, as if he knew what Walter had been thinking, “This one’s special to you.”

Walter lifted one shoulder. “Not special. Hell, his story’s nothing new. We’ve had other people in the same position he’s in. I think it’s his attitude, like he knows he’s got nothing going for him now and he’s not sure what to do about it. If that makes sense.”