“Is your friend asleep?” the girl asked, following his gaze. “I saw you two running up to the ocean like you’d never seen it before.” She leaned in closer. “Where you from?”
Xavier chanced a look at her. “Uh, Montreal. Like, Canada.”
“Right. Cool.” She gestured for her friend to come closer. “She’s shy,” she said, looking back at him. “I’m Heather and she’s Courtney.” Heather gave her friend an impatient glare. “Well, come here,” she ordered her. “We’re from Boston. So you know, we’re like cousins of Montreal, right? I mean, Boston is solike Montreal. Same nasty weather, right?” She smiled and he saw that her two front teeth overlapped a little. “So, uh, what’s your name?”
Xavier was having trouble with holding the huge box of fries, drinks, and hot dogs. “Xavier. And he’s Billy.”
“Hey, let me help you with that.” Heather grabbed the fries from him and nodded her head to Courtney. “Come on. You wanted to meet the blond. His name is Billy. Let’s go say hello.”