“Coop?” a young voice called from the family room on the way by to the cafeteria.
“Amanda.” Coop ran over to his friend’s sister, who was silently crying and sitting in a plastic hospital chair. A woman Dean thought was her mother rocked back and forth on the couch, holding her head on her hands.
“Oh, my God, he’s so bruised up, Coop. I didn’t think your uncle would find him.” Amanda hugged Coop.
Coop, being the gentlemen that he was, held onto his friend’s sister, giving her a squeeze and looking her in the eye. “My uncle said he will make a full recovery. He’ll be okay.”
Amanda looked at Coop like she saw him for the first time, as if smitten.
“Amanda, I’m Dean, a friend of Coop’s and Colt’s.”
Coop beamed at Dean for that comment.
“Want to join us for a bite to eat?”
Dean made a show of putting his arm out to her, and Coop grabbed the other one. She looked to her mom, who nodded, and walked out with Coop and Dean.