“Marleena, I hope you can be happy for me. I’ve loved this man from afar for a very long time, and now we may have a chance for something. I’m not sure what, not even sure if he wants me in his life, but I want to try.”
She laid her head on his shoulder. “Sorry about getting all weepy on you. Of course, I’m happy for you. Just remember, if the two of you ever want to get a little something going, I may be available.”
Rio stood and laughed. “I’ll tell him that.”
She walked him to the door, and he kissed the top of her head. “Thanks, Marleena. You’re the best friend a gay guy could have. See you around sometime?” Despite what he’d said, he would never see her again. Unless, he thought as warmth spread through him, she’d found a good man and he could bring Greg. Not for a foursome, but twosomes…in separate rooms.
“You bet.” She squeezed his hands. And let him go.