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Chapter 18

Brad left the shop, but not even the chilly night air could cool him down. “That’s it!” he spat as he stormed down the road. “That is it!”

It didn’t matter what Enzo said or did from now on. He was going to have nothing more to do with him. He was immature, selfish and, to top it all off, a racist. It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if the person behind the counter had been a big burly Caucasian who hadn’t said “hello.” No doubt the events of the past few minutes would have been very different.

Behind him, he heard a car horn. When he looked, he saw Enzo with his passenger side window down.

“Get in,” said Enzo, demanding not asking.

Brad returned his attention to the way ahead.

“Jesus Christ, Brad. I apologised to the rude bitch. I’m sorry.”