Chapter 22

Boss sent me home early. Think I’m getting the flu. Don’t want to get anyone sick, so I’ll stay home. Call me when you can. Miss you.

Disappointment bubbled up in him, but he understood.

“Why the long face?” Garrett asked, walking down the hall toward him.

“Luka’s sick, so he’s not coming over.”

Garrett frowned. “That’s too bad. Will you be going to see him?”

“Can’t. Adam’s got the night off.”

“I can stay.”

Jacob stared at him, hope blooming in his chest. “You can?”

Garrett shrugged. “I don’t have any plans. Not like I have a boyfriend or anything.” He smiled big. “I’m living vicariously through you and Luka.”

Jacob laughed. “Right. Have you seen you? You could date anyone, Garrett.”

The man blushed. “No, not anyone.”

“What’s this? Do you have your eye on someone?”

“Yes, but to be honest he doesn’t even know I’m alive. I’ve met him only once,” he explained as he raked fingers through his hair.

“Well, forgive the cliché, but if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.”