Chapter 25

He wished he knew where hatred came from. He just couldn’t understand people sometimes. His father had been like that, but Jacob was lucky to have been taken in by his grandparents. These kids had already seen enough hatred and misery. They didn’t deserve to be treated like this.

Garrett stepped out. “I told the kids to stay inside and work on their studies. And Mike is coming in his patrol car.”

Jacob’s stomach grumbled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten breakfast. Hell, he realized, he hadn’t even eaten dinner.

Garrett chuckled. “Hungry?”

“Starving. I’m going to grab something, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Jacob made his way to the kitchen, grabbed three chocolate chip granola bars, made a quick cup of coffee, and rejoined Garrett on the porch.

The women had started chanting, but Jacob couldn’t quite make it out. He raised an eyebrow at Garrett.

“They’re saying ‘Nix Gay Sex in Nixon City.’”

Jacob rolled his eyes. “Clever.”