Chapter 26

“We’ll be back soon,” Ava Anderson yelled. Jacob hoped she didn’t mean today, but her smirk told him she was up to something.

“Thank goodness they’re leaving,” Adam said and headed inside.

Jacob rose and stretched his arms and legs, glad to be going inside to get some work done. He stayed long enough to watch them leave, though. Just in case. He didn’t trust them. Not one bit.

* * * *

Later, hunched over his desk, hard at work on his laptop, Jacob heard a ping and his heart jumped, hoping it was from Luka.

But a quick check of his phone told him he was wrong.

Making sure you are getting the money together. Don’t forget.

His stomach tightened and he fought the urge to text the anonymous blackmailer. He wanted to cuss at them. Yell. Scream. Find them and beat the crap out of them. But he couldn’t. And hatred just wasn’t in him. Anger was, though.

His phone pinged again and he inhaled deeply, expecting another threat. But it was Luka this time.