“The wolves tell me both of you are ready for White Wolf to go on a quest,” the old shaman said.
“Both of us?” Morgan asked.
“Yes,” Great Eagle replied. “Not only did you, White Wolf, need to know what it means to be Ojibwe, but Grey Wolf needed to remember as well. That way when the path is revealed to you, you both will be ready to follow it.”
Morgan and James looked at each other. They smiled and embraced once more.
“Now, White Wolf, prepare for your quest, “Great Eagle said. “May the Wolf Spirit guide you.” 16: The Quest
Morgan was being led through the forest by the two elders who’d been with Great Eagle a few days earlier when Morgan and James had gone to visit the old shaman. As Great Eagle had instructed, Morgan had fasted and prayed for three days that his reasons for undertaking the quest would be pure. As a result, he felt he was going to be able to approach the quest in a way that would lead to a positive outcome for the clan, for him, and for James, as well.