“Who sent you?” Morgan asked, and was further amazed that he was speaking fluent Ojibwe as well.
The animal responded haughtily. “Who sent me is none of your concern.” The creature then asked, “Are you going to hear the question I have been sent to ask or not? I have better things to do than sit here with the likes of you.”
“Okay!” Morgan said, feeling slight irritation. “What is your question?”
“It is not my question, but the question of the one who sent me.”
Morgan was feeling more and more agitated by the animal’s behavior. “All right! All right! Whoever’s question it is, ask it!”
The animal cleared its throat, sat up straighter, and spoke with an air of superiority. “You have asked yourself, ‘How will I know that serving the clan is more important to me than having Grey Wolf as my lover’?”
Morgan was immediately more alert.