“What changed your mind?”
“A few years after you disappeared, Arthur got drunk. I made him talk to me about how he had been ‘helping’ you to turn away from…” He gestured with one hand. “He broke down. Told me everything you had told me was true. He told me…he told me…Oh, my dearest, dearest boy I am so sorry. So very, very sorry.”
Will was speechless. Of all the things he had thought his father might say, this was not it.
“Don’t say anything, you don’t have to say anything at all,” his father said, getting up to stand in front of him. His eyes were wild with what looked like grief, and shining with tears. Will couldn’t look away.
“You look incredibly well,” his father said, swiping at his eyes with one hand. “So well. So handsome. Tell me what you have been doing?”
Will was so startled he did as he was told. He told his father about his life, his struggles to make a living honestly, and his father listened. Actually listened to him.