What did come out of his mouth was a flustered, “G’day,” which sounded even more Australian because Terry had been trying to pronounce “Goodbye” and “Could I talk to you” at the same time but stopped short when he noticed how much he had flubbed it.
Kyle responded with a succinct, “Have a good day, Saliski.”
The formality took Terry off guard. None of his other teachers called him by his last name. Not even his boss at work called him by his last name. No one Terry knew at all called him by his last name. No one, except Kyle, apparently. Then again, Terry was used to Kyle calling him “hot stuff” or “Adonis” when they sexted. He sighed. Of course Kyle wasn’t going to refer to him as “Adonis” in class, but this was like being shoved out of a warm cabin into a dark and snowy forest with the door locked behind him.
“You, too, Professor Weiman,” Terry muttered. Even quieter, he added his own nickname for Kyle. “…you silver stud.”
* * * *