“What are you gonna do instead, hm? You gonna keep texting him asking to hook up? Gonna show up at his office every day to remind him of what he’s missing? That’s what crazy ex-boyfriends do, and you two were mutual for, what, a week? Takes a special kind of crazy to get obsessive after that short of a fling.”
Terry covered his face with his hands. “I don’t want to have this conversation right now.”
“What if you and I went out together again this weekend? You could find a different one-night stand to get overly attached to.”
“Y’know, you’re being a dingleberry right now,” Terry growled. “Irritating and you just won’t let go. I know I can’t give up other men because the one I want doesn’t want me back. But you—It’s hard to explain without getting graphic.”
Paul sat back and folded his hands. “By all means, get graphic.”