Chapter 8

I applauded. Then the person I later found out he was travelling with (just friends, honest; coworkers, they said) walked up, took one look, and slunk away, embarrassed. I couldn’t help it, I laughed. The roommate is about my age and portly, more so than I. Walks with a bit of a limp; talks with a bit of a lisp. I pulled Eric to his feet; he was a bit unsteady.

Eric said, “That’s my roommate, Herb. He has no sense of drama, which is ridiculous for a gay man his age.” He dusted his hands off, giggled, waved ta-ta to me, blew me a kiss, and staggered away. I don’t know where he’s from, but by the red hair and stagger, I’d say Ireland.

Oh, shit, I hope we’re not related.

* * * *

March 31, my friend, Friday: