Our banter was interrupted by the cruise director, John, bounding onstage, screaming into the microphone, “How are you all?”
“Great!” everyone roared.
“Are you having a good time?”
“Great!” came the roar.
“What did you do all day?”
“How do you make cheddar cheese better?”
“Are you read to party? Here are the Shout Outs!”
The drapes pulled back, and there stood three guitar players, and behind them, a tall young man at a drum set.
“I’ll take the drummer,” I whispered.
“Good, the other three are mine.”
Their first two songs were awful; technically correct and in time with each other, no sour notes, just dreadful choices of tunes for this age set. Now, I hate Frank Sinatra, but they didn’t do him, or any of the early fifties that Herb and I grew up with; no, they leapt straight into something that should only have been listened to while completely stoned and wearing flowered-bell bottom pants and an Afro.