“What?” Herb stared at the two women in their cheap, flowered tops and elastic waist shorts. He turned to me. “Acknowledge, move on,” he muttered and winked at me.
The ladies left together, bound in friendship, shooting matching glares back at Herb.
“Now they have a common enemy,” Herb said. “I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?”
“We’ll be on the same bus. Yes, I was there. It was gruesome.”
“So are many of the outfits on this ship.” Herb grimaced. “Including,” he nodded to the two retreating backs, “theirs.” He shivered. “Oh, well. As long as the bus to Hell is not like that one on the first tour I went on. The seats were made for kindergartners, I’m sure. I had my knees up in my face.”
“I like a good knees-up,” I replied with a perfectly straight face.
We were quiet together, comfortable.
“Those poor old hens,” Herb said. “I do feel sorry for them. I wish there was some way to help.”
“I have moolah. I’ll put some on their bills.”