“One,” I said, sounding faraway even to my own ear. “And zero.”
The sand and the lull of the ocean fell away.
“Where are you, Barrett?”
The temperature began to rise. Sweat began to run down my back, forcing gooseflesh to rise along my spine.
“Barrett!” I raised my voice. “Where are you?”
“In the dark,” he sounded confused. “I’m in the dark.”
“It’s alright, you’re safe. I need you to go back to the tree. Do you remember the tree from earlier today?”
“No!” he answered defiantly. “Not again.”
“You are safe,” I could see him in the dark; his body hunched like it bore a great weight. Even as he tried to refuse my suggestions, I could see the world returning around us. The tree loomed up like the memory of a shadow; split and black against the gray of the world we now moved in.