Chapter 72

Before I could make some kind of comment, I heard a voice through the door. “Damn, y’all. You should be in pornos!” It sounded like Bryce. Oh God. Had we been that loud?

Mortification aside, I heard René chuckle before he replied, “You’re just jealous you haven’t had it this good in years.”

“Bastard,” came the muffled reply before I heard footsteps fading away.

“I need a shower,” I said.

“Me, too.”

“Am I staying here, or should we go back to the cabin?” I asked.

“Cabin. If I know these guys, we’ve probably just inspired an orgy.”

My mind boggled at the thought of all those men, sweaty…yeah, okay. “While that sounds hot, I want to be with only youright now.”

“Same here.”

* * * *