Chapter 73

René’s grandmother smiled hugely and held out her arms for a gentle hug from her grandson. They held each other for a long while, and the love there was beautiful to see.

“How are you, sweetie?” she asked, her voice slightly shaky but strong.

“I’m fine, Gramma.” He turned to greet the other woman in the room. “Greta, Gramma been behaving?”

Greta rolled her eyes. “Not even close. She beat me in Parcheesi not ten minutes ago, and I had to argue with her to rest and watch a movie for a while.” Her voice was fond.

“Sounds typical.” René grabbed my hand, pulling me forward. “This is Serge Zumpano, my boyfriend.”

I tried to mask my gasp with a cough, not sure if I succeeded. Since when was I his boyfriend? I greeted René’s grandmother with a handshake and a quick “hello,” but she pulled me into a strong hug, too.

“I never thought I’d see the day when this boy of mine would find someone to love.” She patted my cheek and I blushed.