Chapter 41

When the tender kiss ended, Alan sighed, whispering, “You’d better go, before…”

Jim smiled, tapping the tip of his nose. “I’ll see you Friday night.”


“Until then.” Jim stepped into the hallway, walking backward down to the elevator. “Night,” he called out when he got there.

“Night,” Alan called back. He stepped into his apartment, closing the door. “Friday can’t come too soon.”

* * * *

Friday did come, and with it, an unexpected and unwanted call, as far as Jim was concerned.

“Mr. Foster, this is Detective Baines. I’ve been trying to reach you most of the day.”

“I’m sorry. I had my phone turned off.”

“So I gathered,” Baines replied dryly. “I have some news for you.”

“Good news, I hope.”

“Part of it. Mr. Peters was arraigned this morning. A high bail was granted. However, since he can’t afford to post it, he’ll remain in jail until his trial.”

“Great. So…what’s the bad news? I’m presuming from what you said that there is some.”