“What do you want to bet it’s snowing by the time we leave,” Alan said as they walked.
“No bet,” Jim replied, looking up at the dark, cloud-filled sky. When they were inside the restaurant, he led the way to the private room Ken had, as always, rented for the cast party.
“Where did all these people come from?” Alan whispered.
Jim grinned. “The theater? There’s actors, crew members, Ken—” he pointed, “—who’s the director, box office people, plus various husbands, wives, and dates.”
“Find the nearest corner.”
“Later. First, you get to meet everyone.” Jim took Alan around the room, introducing him.
“So this is the mystery man,” Deanna said when they joined her and a few others by the food table.
“Mystery man?”
“Uh-huh. The guy you said you were dating but you never bring him around which is bad of you.”
“Well, now he’s here,” Jim replied, putting one arm around Alan’s waist. “Go easy on him.”