Chapter 2

“I just asked Howie where he was looking to find a man.”

“Look around,” Kelly said. “What do you see?”

“Men,” Howie said with a sigh.


“You know as well as I do that the guys in here aren’t looking for what I’m looking for—at least not in the way I am,” Howie responded.

“Which is?”

“Not hopping in the sack on the first date. Getting to know one another, falling in love.”

“You’re a dreamer. Nobody these days falls in love without first testing the waters,” Kelly said.

“He’s got a point,” Ernie chimed in. “I’m looking for Mr. Right just like you are, but nobody’s gonna wait to have sex. At least not for long. It’s what’s expected. Besides, it can be fun. There are a lot of Mr. Wrongs that are hot as hell in bed. You gotta kiss a lotta frogs before you find…”

“Yeah, yeah, I know—before you a find a prince, I’ve read the story, seen the movie,” Howie said with a sigh.

“Come on, Howie. You used to be pretty hot in the sack yourself back when we were in school, as I remember,” Kelly chided.

“Things change. I’m not judging you guys, but it’s not for me. I want a relationship built on more than sex,” Howie said.

“I can see it now—ole Man Bosley, that funny old bachelor that lives down the street, alone with his cats,” Kelly said melodramatically.

“Make fun if you want to, but I willfind someone who wants the same things I do. And leave Sergei and Katya out of it,” Howie said, thinking of the two Russian Blues he had at home.

“Okay! Okay!” Kelly said, holding up his hands in surrender. “But just where is it you intend to find your saint? Where can you find a man like that except at church socials, and we all know how you feel about those.”

Howie winced. He had been raised a very strict Catholic and had long since given up on churchiness. Not that he didn’t believe there could be some higher power—God, if you will. He just couldn’t abide organized religion.

“Maybe I’ll meet someone at my gym.”

Kelly laughed. “That old man’s gym you go to? Now there’s an idea. They advertise, We’re a no judgement zone, so they get all these overweight, out of shape, old guys that aren’t into real fitness. Good luck with that.”

“They may not be models or bodybuilders, but at least they’re not stuck on themselves. There are some really nice people there. And they do care about real fitness, not just cosmetics.”

“Again I say, good luck with that. Anyone ready for another drink?” Kelly asked. “Ernie’s buying!”

Ernie punched Kelly on the shoulder and got up to buy another round.

“Maybe you could advise one of your clients on more than his retirement at that financial firm you work for. You could say something like, ‘You and I could retire in Sarasota very nicely on this nest egg I’m building for you’.”

Howie gave Kelly another withering look. “They’re all old enough to be my dad, and besides, it’s not ethical to hit on your clients.”

Kelly chuckled.

“There are a couple of very nice guys who volunteer with me at the shelter though,” Howie said. “Unfortunately, they’re married…but we get new volunteers regularly. Maybe someday, someone will come along and…”

“Jesus, Howie. The animal shelter? It doesn’t exactly qualify as a dating service. What do you get there for volunteers? Bleeding heart nerds, right?”

Kelly knew immediately he’d gone too far. Howie was the volunteer coordinator at a large animal shelter, and Kelly knew it was very dear to Howie’s heart.

“Hey, man. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be flappin’ my jaws. I just want you to find the right guy and be happy, if that’s what you really want.”

“S’okay,” Howie sighed. He knew Kelly had a point. Even though Howie didn’t agree with Kelly’s characterization of the people found there, neither the gym nor the animal shelter were likely to be the ideal place to find the love of your life. However, you never could tell. And, in Howie’s estimation, they were more likely to attract the kind of man Howie was looking for than a gay bar or a muscle gym.

The evening wore on, and the friends talked about other things. About eleven-thirty, Jerome came over to their table.

“You about ready to go?” he asked, placing a hand on Kelly’s shoulder.

Howie and Ernie looked questioningly from Jerome to Kelly. Kelly shrugged. “I found him at the bar when I got the last round of drinks.” Kelly laughed. “He looked lonely, so I thought I’d take him home. See you guys next week. It’s your pick, Howie. But let’s not go to Isabelle’s Tea Room again.”

“Screw you,” Howie said.