Chapter 146

“I’m sure you’re right. So we’ll be doubly careful.” 11

While he and Quinn drove to a downtown motel a few blocks from their office, Brent kept a watchful eye on the rearview and side view mirrors, to be certain they weren’t being followed by Mrs. Holt. Not that he thought she would, but he wasn’t willing to take any chances. He could tell Quinn was doing the same thing—when he wasn’t shaking his head to stay awake.

“Stop doing that,” Brent said at one point, earning him a sour glance from his husband.

“Think I’ll shake my brains loose? If you driving the car into the garage door didn’t, then for damned sure…” Quinn took a deep breath. “Sorry. That was unwarranted. If you hadn’t, we’d be charcoal by now. I’m exhausted and angry as hell, but I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”