Chapter 24

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“What’s up, Boudreaux?” Deputy James Berry queried when he answered my call after the second ring.

James was a capable sort and about my age. We’d played football together in high school, with Bo as our quarterback.

“Caller ID, huh?” I replied, secretly relieved that McMurtry hadn’t answered, as he sometimes did. That voice of his always made my dick leak, whether or not I wanted it to do so.

I heard him chuckle. “You know it. Saves time and frustration with sales calls.”

“I bet. Look, Jonah’s gone wandering off again, and I’m afraid he’s out in the fields somewhere. He could be damn near the mountains by now, and the hands are busy with tourists.”

“Shit. Well, the Sheriff is heading out your way right now. He’s checking on an incident out at the Barnes place. I’ll radio him and he’ll be over by you as soon as he can.”

“Appreciate it, James. How’s the family?”